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Want to help support APT Texas?

Join today by choosing the yearly plan below that fits you best:

  • Friend of APTTX

    Valid for 12 months
    • Email added to chapter listerv
    • Access to chapter newsletters
  • Chapter Supporter

    Valid for 12 months
    • Single membership
    • Access to the Chapter Newsletter
    • Information about upcoming events
    • Free/Reduced price of access at participating events
  • Scholarship Supporter

    Valid for 12 months
    • Single membership (Chapter Supporter benefits included)
    • Company name on APTTX scholarship materials and marketing
  • Scholarship Sponsor

    Valid for 12 months
    • Membership for 2 (Chapter Supporter benefits included)
    • Company logo on APTTX scholarship materials and marketing
    • Option to participate in judging presentations
  • APTTX Event Sponsor

    Valid for 12 months
    • Membership for 4 (Chapter Supporter benefits included)
    • Company logo on marketing for event sponsored
    • Feature in chapter newsletter and social media post
  • APTTX Annual Event Sponsor

    Valid for 12 months
    • Membership for 8 (Chapter Supporter benefits included)
    • Company logo at Annual Event
    • Feature in chapter newsletter and social media post
  • APTTX Legacy Sponsor

    Valid for 12 months
    • Membership for 10 (Chapter Supporter benefits included)
    • Company Logo on chapter newsletters
    • Feature in chapter newsletter and social media post
    • Company logo on website
Disclaimer: Those who joined or subscribed prior to July 17th, 2024, are currently on plans that are set to renew each year automatically based on prior settings that were in use. On July 18th, 2024, we modified the system to be on a 12-month basis with the option to renew at the end of that period. We are working to modify the plans started prior to the change to reflect the new settings that are in place. 

© APT TX; APT Texas; Association for Preservation Technology International Texas Chapter. Powered and secured by Wix

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